While there continues to be debate about the existence of bioenergy in some scientific circles, there is also growing interest and acknowledgment among some scientists who see the HEF as a viable - and measurable - phenomenon. For more on this, be sure to read the articles via the links below.
Various energy systems and schools divide these energetic bodies in different ways. Some systems hold that there are seven bodies corresponding to the seven major chakras, others claim there are ten, twelve, twenty-one, etc. What is presented here is simply one model I happen to find useful. It describes three planes, each of which holds one or more of the eight energetic bodies. The brief outline below will take each body, beginning with the physical, and moving outward one layer at a time. The information presented here about each body is comprised of both classic and contemporary literature on the subject, as well as the cumulative anecdotal reports from energy workers over many decades. Some of it is derived from the work of Barbara Ann Brennan and her “Hands of Light” work.
Physical Body – The physical body needs little description. It’s the body you see and use to interact with the physical world. The various internal organs, skin, limbs, sensory apparatus are all part of the physical body. It's important to remember, of course, that the physical body is where we often detect problems or imbalances that may originate from one or more of the other energetic bodies.
Etheric Body – (Sometimes called the “Etheric Double”) Extends about ¼ to 2 inches out from the surface of the physical body. It is an energetic twin to the physical body. When visualized it can appear as a fine bluish mist or gray smoky layer surrounding the physical body (some say "peach colored"). Reiki is often considered to have great impact on the etheric body. There are corresponding etheric doubles not only for the body as a whole, but for each organ and major system in the body. The etheric body is considered the "animating force" of a living body, which is to say that other living things, such as plants and trees, also have etheric bodies. When Reiki clients report feeling "tingly" or "electrical" sensations during their session, it is believed that this is mainly due to the changes in the etheric bioelectrical field surrounding the physical body.
Emotional Body – This layer is considered to be the energetic storehouse of our emotions. It transfers the effect of emotional states through the etheric to the physical (i.e. a bad day at work turns into a headache). The Emotional Body extends from about 1 to 4 inches outward from the physical body. Skilled energy healers often focus their efforts on locating and releasing blocks on this level to prevent physical illness from manifesting. Sensitive healers will sometimes report being able to contact the Emotional Body by asking the receiver of the Reiki treatment to describe his or her emotional feelings in the moment. Visually, this body contains all the colors of the rainbow, although muddied colors suggest emotional blockages.
Mental Body – Our thoughts create our reality by influencing our emotions. The Mental Body is the field in which thoughts are generated. Because most of our modern lives demand a great degree of mental activity, the Mental Body is often seen by the energy worker as being “overstressed” or burdened. Most cathartic releases begin – not at the emotional level – but on the mental level. Visually, the mental body is usually yellowish or beige but can become quite bright, like golden sunlight. People with strong intellects or a high degree of mental curiosity will often show bright Mental Bodies. Extends about 4 to 10 inches out from physical body.
Astral Body – There is one body on the astral level. The Astral Body is considered to be the source of “higher expression” of the physical, mental, and emotional levels. Some believe it is a kind of “shell” dividing our functioning within what we would think of as the natural world and the spiritual world. Gurdjieff called it the "vessel of the soul." It is often described in terms of a vehicle by which consciousness moves and travels, sometimes to or through the other planes. It also seems to serve as a kind of bridge over which information travels between material and spiritual levels. The astral level is considered the level of “universal love” or “unified connection.” The Astral is not bound by space or time. It is associated with psychic communication, and so is of particular interest to healers working over distances. Many Reiki healers believe that it is from their Astral Body that Reiki itself is channeled. It extends about 10 to 15 inches out from the physical body.
Celestial Body – Extending from about 2 to 3 feet outward from the physical body, the Celestial Body is the body in which spiritual development, enlightenment, intuition, and transcendent awareness occurs. The “sense of oneness and universal love” sometimes experienced in meditation and mystical experiences is associated with activity in the Celestial Body. The Celestial Body is the level on which we feel most connected and "in sync" with our lives and the world around us - or more precisely, we feel merged and "at one" with the universe. Visually, it appears as a constant explosion of light or shiny mother-of-pearl which some say is difficult to describe in any detail.
Causal Body- (Sometimes called the “Ketheric Template”) The Causal Body is usually not defined as a “field” per se, and thus has no definable dimension. It is believed to be the outermost energetic layer of the human being and is sometimes called the “Higher Self.” It is supposed to contain karmic information and past-life memories, and serves as a conduit between the various energetic bodies and the Cosmic Source, God, The Divine, etc. Visually, intense golden strands of light. Some systems place the Causal Body much closer to the physical, and view it as part of the physical plane. Here it is used to represent aspects of the higher or true self, and the so-called karmic collective - the collection of all good action in the course of one's entire cosmic existence, and the manifestation of the actualized human being.
I hope you've found this information helpful. While not all Reiki practitioners incorporate any specific application of this theory to their work, I've found it particularly interesting to keep this system in mind as I've done my healing work over the years.
Further reading:
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