Thursday, November 6, 2008

Chakra Affirmations

These simple affirmations are sometimes used in my meditation and Reiki work as a means of focusing on specific energy centers. Using the power of verbiage to focus on these areas often results in some significant improvements in functioning and healing.

  • 1) Muladhara - Root: I am connected to all living things and am releasing my power into the universe

  • 2) Svadisthana - Sacral: I am part of a flowing, creative process and take pleasure in my participation in it.

  • 3) Manipura - Solar Plexus: My will is focused, my power balanced, my intent pure.

  • 4) Anahata - Heart: I give freely, and receive deeply, boundless love and compassion.

  • 5) Vishuddi - Throat: I communicate with honesty and integrity, firmly and gently speaking my truths.

  • 6) Anja - Brow: I am perceptive, insightful, and connected to the knowledge of the entire universe, past, present, and future.

  • 7) Sahasrara - Crown: I am completely liberated, totally free.

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